
LEGO has evolved into its present stage after having undergone so many changes over the last 85 years. The present LEGO brick was introduced in 1958, which works in various aspects to open up the imagination and letting a wealth of ideas emerge through play.

The primary focus of this competition is to inculcate the skills and abilities required to excel in the STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) subjects in the minds of the students. 

This is a “National Competition” which will be conducted covering all nine Provinces of the country, opening doors of the exciting world of Lego to the whole student population of Sri Lanka. This is viewed as an effective and fun method to understand the modern concepts of the business and engineering world including aspects such as Supply Chain, Business, Man- ufacturing and Computing.

Scope of the Project

  • The target group of this project comprises of students in the age groups of 14-19 years.
  • The competition covers the schools representing all the districts and provinces in Sri Lanka
  • The event would be conducted in three stages, and only the best team will be selected from each phase of the competition to move to the next stage
  • The maximum number of students per group is limited to 05 members.
  • Each NIBM Regional Campus will be assigning provinces based on their proximity to the designated center. (as given below)

Benefits of Participating in LEGO Competitions

  • To make children and youngsters enthusiastic about science and technology
  • To equip the participants with the idea of team spirit
  • To encourage children and youngsters to solve complex tasks in a creative way
  • To apply real-world mathematics and science concepts
  • To improve Innovative thinking, critical thinking, team-building, and presentation skills
  • Participate in tournaments and celebrations
  • Practice Professionalism

Geographical breakdown

NIBM Colombo Main Campus

Western and Sabaragamuwa provinces

Kurunegala Regional Campus

North Western, North Central, and Northern provinces

Kandy Regional Campus

Central and Eastern provinces

Galle/ Matara Regional Campuses

Southern and Uva provinces

Phases of the project


  • Assign relevan Provinces to eachNBM Campus (Colombo main center, Kandy , Kurunegala, Gale & Matara)
  • Call Appications (at least 20 school teams from each district to be eligible for the first round of the comppetition)
  • Conduct the first round of the competition & select the best team from each district.

Call for applications representing all the districts in each province of Sri Lanka. First round of the competition will be held in the NIBM centres located in Colombo, Kandy, Kurunegala, Galle, Mathara. Each center has been allocated with certain Provinces (please refer geographical breakdown) and participants who represent the particular province will be presented to the allocated NIBM centres for the first round. It is expected to have 20 groups representing each district and at the end of the first round only one best team will be selected from each district.


  • Conduct the second round of the competition for the winning teams of the first round (24 teams in total competing within the boundaries of their designated Regional Campuses)
  • Select one winning team from the second rond stemming down from the relevant regional campuuses (01 team from each campus)

The second round of the competition will also be conducted by the NIBM centres. The second round of the competition will be held among the winning teams of each district nominated from the first round. It is expected to have 24 teams for the second round from the entire island. Participants will be allocated to each centre which represents the respective province. Out of these district level contestants, the best team will be selected by each NIBM centre for the final round.


Couduct the final round of the competition among the 04 teams in grand scae to be qualifiers to the Naional LEGO

The final four teams nominated out of all NIBM centres will participate in the final round which will be held at the NIBM Colombo Main Centre. These four best teams will compete against each other for the National LEGO Trophy.